How To Register

​​Each executive agency lobbyist ('EAL') must file an Initial Registration Statement that will, simultaneously, register the lobbyist, the employer, and the real party in interest. An executive agency lobbyist engaged by more than one employer or real party in interest must file a separate Initial Registration Statement for each engagement, i.e., for each employer. Employers must ensure that each individual executive agency lobbyist engaged to represent the employer files an Initial Registration Statement. The Initial Registration Statement along with related Instructions is located on the right side of this page.

When Should You Register?

Each executive agency lobbyist, employer, and, if applicable, real party in interest, is required to file, jointly, an Initial Registration Statement within ten (10) days of the engagement of the executive agency lobbyist. Pursuant to KRS 11A.211, executive agency lobbyists and employers who fail to register, or who file an incomplete registration, will be afforded the opportunity for correction; however, failure to comply with such opportunity may result in the Commission's initiation of an investigation, and notification to each elected official and the Secretary of each Cabinet listed in KRS 12.250 of the pending investigation. An employee of a company, entity, or organization must register within 10 days of employment if upon employment, begins the task of executive agency lobbying immediately as one (1) of his or her main purposes. In the case of a long-term career employee, that employee must register within 10 days of their being assigned the role of an executive agency lobbyist on behalf of their employer as one (1) of his or her main purposes.

Where Do You Register?

The Initial Registration Statement must be filed with the Executive Branch Ethics Commission, Capital Complex East, 1025 Capital Center Drive, Suite 104, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601. The Initial Registration Statement may be completed electronically and must be  signed by both the executive agency lobbyist and the employer contact then submitted via regular mail, delivery service, scanned/emailed, or through an online system established by the Commission. Qualified e-signatures are accepted. ​The Initial Registration Statement can be submitted by mail, email, or fax to the following:

Executive Branch Ethics Commission
1025 Capital Center Drive, Suite #104
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
FAX: (502)696-5091

How Long is the Registration Valid?

Registration remains valid and “active” until an Executive Agency Lobbyist terminates his or her registration with the Commission on behalf of his or her employer/real party in interest. Active lobbyists, employers, and real parties in interest are required to file updated registration statements and pay registration fees on an annual basis.

Following registration, the Executive Agency Lobbyist will be issued a registration card by the Commission effective from the date of its issuance until the following July 31. The employer will receive confirmation of its registration along with an updated list of all Executive Agency Lobbyists registered on its behalf. Both lobbyists and the employers/real parties in Interest will receive communication regarding their requirements after registration. The Executive Agency Lobbyist will be issued a new registration card for the next reporting period upon filing of the Updated Registration Statement, Executive Agency Lobbyist due between July 1 and July 31 each year which reaffirms that the lobbyist wishes to remain active.​ Until an executive agency lobbyist files a Termination Notification with the Commission, the lobbyist, and his/her employer and real party in interest are considered "active"​ and are required to file Updated Registration Statements and pay the registration fee on an annual basis.​