Executive Agency Lobbyist Listings

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The lobbying laws in the Commonwealth of Kentucky only apply to attempts to influence on the state level; the law does not apply to activities involving attempts to influence the decisions of county or municipal officials.

Consult the Informational Guide for more on executive agency lobbying in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Updated February 6, 2025​​​​​, 2025​​​

Related Documents

​​​*New and Revised for 2024*

Executive Agency Lobbying Handbook November 1, 2024.pdf

*At the 9/19/24 regular meeting of the Executive Branch Ethics Commission, the Commission voted to raise the registration fee for Employers and Real Parties in Interest from $500 to $750 effective November 1, 2024.  This funding increase was authorized by HB 8, Section 61, 2024 Regular Legislative Session for a new online filing system.​*
