
*At the 9/19/24 regular meeting of the Executive Branch Ethics Commission, the Commission voted to raise the registration fee for Employers and Real Parties in Interest from $500 to $750 effective November 1, 2024.  This funding increase was authorized by HB 8, Section 61, 2024 Regular Legislative Session for a new online filing system.​*

In the broadest sense of the term, "to lobby" is to attempt to influence an executive agency decision-maker or lawmaker. A constituent's voluntary opinion regarding an issue under consideration by his or her elected representative or government​ official can be considered "lobbying". However, such ordinary activities of citizens are separate and distinct from "professional" lobbying, so long as such activities are exclusively the exercise of individual liberty.

A professional lobbyist, also known as an executive agency lobbyist or legislative agent, i​s a person who receives compensation for his or her efforts to influence executive agency decision-makers or legislators on behalf of a client or employer. The information here is a guide for the "professional lobbyist."

An Executive Agency Lobbyist is any person who is engaged for compensation to influence executive agency decisions or to conduct executive agency lobbying activity regarding a substantial issue as one of his or her main purposes. This also includes associations, coalitions, or public interest entities formed for the purpose of promoting or otherwise influencing executive agency decisions. If the advocacy by direct communication regarding an executive agency decision is directed to the office of an elected executive official, a cabinet listed in KRS 12.250, an executive branch official, or any other state agency, department, board, or commission controlled or directed by an elected executive official or otherwise subject to their authority, and the person is attempting to influence an executive agency decision, then the person engaged in such advocacy is an Executive Agency Lobbyist. The term "executive agency lobbyist" shall also include placement agents and unregulated placement agents. Please review KRS Chapter 11A and Chapter 9 of the Kentucky Administrative Regulations for further information. Questions may be addressed to the staff of the Executive Branch Ethics Commission.

The lobbying laws in the Commonwealth of Kentucky only apply to attempts to influence on the state level; the law does not apply to activities involving attempts to influence the decisions of county or municipal officials.

Consult the Informational Guide for more on executive agency lobbying in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Content Editor ‭[3]‬

Executive Agency Lobbyist Listings

Updated  March 7, 2025

Registration by Employer and Real Party.pdf

Registration by Last Name

Executive Agency Lobbyi​​ng Handbook

*New and Revised for 2024​*​​​

Executive Agency Lobbying Handbook November 1, 2024.pdf